On 9 May 2019 the Jean Monnet Module FTA-SEE marked the Europe Day by organizing a seminar dedicated to the latest developments in the Energy…

At the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade, on April 10, 2019, an international conference “Free Market Roadshow – FMRS” was held. The conference was organised…

In the last several decades many European countries have been suffering from not only a demographic decline, but also an acute brain drain. Furthermore, many of these societies have been unable to rely on immigration to replace the population and talent loss. While other jurisdictions globally have been facing the issue of the brain drain for some time, it is in Europe that we see it combined with the demographic decline and the ageing of the population…

Winter School on Legal Protection against Discrimination in South-East Europe commenced on 22 January 2018 and has gathered 21 students from 9 countries (7 of which…

At the regional competition in media law held in Zagreb from 20-23 December 2017, students of the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law won the…