Belgrade meets Lisbon meets Krakow – 2019 Legal Theory Summit held
From October 17th to October 20th our Faculty hosted the teachers and assistants of subjects pertaining to legal philosophy from the University of Lisbon and the Jagiellonian University of Krakow. Within the Seminar group for the Introduction to Law, Prof. Dr Wojciech Zaluski and Prof. Dr David Duarte debated on What Is Equity and Why It (Doesn’t) Matter(s)? After juxtaposing the contrasting arguments of this subject, the professors answered numerous questions which ensued.
On Saturday, the 19th of October, our Faculty hosted a one-day conference – the Belgrade meets Lisbon meets Krakow – 2019 Legal Theory Summit, which provided a space for dynamic and interesting debates on the burning questions in the fields of legal theory and philosophy. At the opening of the conference, W. Zaluski and K. Eliasz gave their presentation on “Libertas: On the Unity of the Concept of Freedom”, and our colleague M. Zdravković presented his work – the “Legitimacy of the State Authority – The Case of Independent State of Croatia (NDH)” – within the same session. In the next session our teachers J. Hasanbegović and M. Jovanović gave their presentations – “On Facts and Norms and the (Im)Possibility of Their Differentiation” and “The Prototype Theory of Concepts and Concept of Law”, respectively. The afternoon part of the conference was dedicated to subjects related to the interpretation and application of law. The first speaker in this session was D. Duarte, with a presentation entitled “Constitutional Discretion and Epistemic Insufficiency: On the Road to a Positivistic Weight Formula”, and his colleague from Lisbon, P. Moniz Lopes, followed up with “Naturalizing Interpretation: A First Approach On “Hardware” and “Software” Determinants of Legal Interpretation”. In the last session A. Escher presented her work, entitled “Reading the Legislator´s Mind? Ruth Millikan’s Externalist Semantics and Its Potential Role for Legal Interpretation”, and the conference was closed by B. Spaić and his presentation on “Interpretative Formalism: Doctrine, Theory or Ideology”.