A Book Promotion Event at the Forvm Romanvm Club for “Iznenađenje” (“Surprise”) by Radoslav Duja Nedić

On the 1st of November 2019 we had a book promotion event for “Iznenađenje” (“Surprise”) by Radoslav Duja Nedić, who showed us once again that it’s possible to express your creativity through connecting a career in law with creative writing. Apart from many accomplishments in his career as an attorney and a diplomat, the author is also a fertile writer – this is his third book promotion at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law. The first was in 2001 for his book “Moj roman” (“My Novel”), and the second one in 2018, for a book entitled “Advokatske priče” (“Attorney Stories”). Prof. Dr Sima Avramović gave an opening speech for the promotion, expressing great pleasure that the Forvm Romanvm had another opportunity to host this author’s promotion; after the opening speech, other speakers addressed the audience. Sadly, Milica Jeftimijević Lilić (author) and Adam Puslojić (poet) were unable to attend due to illness, leaving Duja’s lawyer colleagues – Vladimir Petrović and Nebojša Perović (attorneys), and Đorđe Misajlovski (ambassador, diplomat, columnist and author of short stories) – to share their impressions of this book, and his other works. Following each speaker, excerpts from the book were read to the audience by David Vučinić, our former student (now a postgraduate student), the winner of the Oratory Competition at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law and the second best speaker at the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot.