Mr. Barry H. Lawrence held a series of lectures on “Business Law”
In cooperation with the Center for International Legal Studies from Salzburg, the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Law had the opportunity to host Mr. Barry H. Lawrence, one of the leading attorneys of the California State Bar Association (USA), with expertise in corporate finance. Mr. Barry Lawrence held a series of lectures on “Business Law” from May 7 to May 16, 2019.
Fifty students of undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law had the opportunity to get acquainted with the most important institutions of business law in the United States in an interactive way, from a practical perspective. Together with the guest lecturer, students analyzed a large number of contracts. Course participants had the opportunity to find out what are the differences between mediation and arbitration, how the US judicial system works, what are tactics in mergers and acquisitions, and what are the most effective techniques and strategies for negotiating.