Book „Aloysius Stepinac– state, church, archbishop (1934-1941)“ presented
A presentation of the book „Aloysius Stepinac – state, church, archbishop (1934-1941)“ (Алојзије Степинац – држава, црква, надбискуп (1934-1941)), by Academician Ljubodrag Dimić and Dr Nikola Žutić, published by the „Filip Višnjić“ publishing house, was held in the „Slobodan Jovanović“ amphitheater of the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law on Thursday, March 21st 2019.
The presentation of this book was opened by an address of the Dean of the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law, Professor Dr Zoran Mirković. The authors’ exposition was followed by the speeches of Dr Milan Koljanin, Professor Dr Aleksandar Životić and Professor Dr Boris Begović. Speaking of Aloysius Stepinac, Academician Dimić has underlined that, although he wasn’t of the age that would recommend him for such a high function, he became not only the first man of the Croatian Episcopal conference in 1934, but a figure around which those that held extremely nationalist views and those that didn’t hold a lot of love for the Yugoslav state have started to rally. Speaking about the book itself, Professor Begović has emphasized that it is a historiographical endeavour worthy of attention. The book is written in a clear, concise style, based on an abundance of primary and secondary historical sources, offering the reader not only clear, unambiguous and well-grounded conclusions, but also plenty of material for additional afterthought – about the historical personality of Aloysius Stepinac and his time, but also, generally speaking, of the phenomena of intolerance, exclusivity and unscrupulousness, that can be monopolized by no one. At the time of the publishing of this book it remains uncertain whether Aloysius Stepinac – Blessed according to the Catholic Church – will be declared a Saint. For those that will be making this decision one day, the findings of this book, Begović claims, will be unavoidable, whether they like it or not.