X Belgrade Open Pre-Moot
The University of Belgrade Faculty of Law had the honor of hosting the Belgrade Open Pre-Moot tournament for the Willem C Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, over the weekend of 1-2 April 2017. This year the Belgrade Open Pre-Moot celebrate its 10th anniversary and on that occasion welcomed more than 800 participants – students, coaches, arbitrators – and gathered teams from 79 universities coming from 39 countries of the world: from North and South America, Europe and Asia to Australia. By the number of participants, the Belgrade Open Pre-Moot definitely grew into the world’s biggest pre-moot for the Vis Moot.
The tenth Belgrade Open Pre-moot was officially opened after the ninth Belgrade Arbitration Conference. In occasion of the anniversary, the organizers gave special awards to teams, outstanding individuals and sponsors that have been supporting the Belgrade Open Pre-moot from its beginning. The special awards were given to University of Zagreb, SS. Cyril and Methodius University, University of Pittsburgh School of Law, University of Tirana, Saarland University, Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, University of Fribourg, University of Sarajevo, Bilkent University, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Federal University of Paraná, Istanbul University, Law Offices Karanović & Nikolić, Moravčević Vojnović and Partners in cooperation with Schoenherr, Petrikić & Partneri AOD in cooperation with CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz, NKO Partners, Samardzić, Oreški & Grbović Law Firm, MIM Law Firm, Serbian Arbitration Association, American Chamber of Commerce in Serbia, GIZ Open Regional Fund, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Center for International Legal Education of the University of Pittsburgh, DIS, Iva Paić, Dr. Judith Knieper, Karl Peter Puszkajler. Afterwards, more than 70 former members of the Belgrade team organized a surprise for coaches and organizers of the Belgrade Pre-Moot – Prof. Vladimir Pavić and Ass. Prof. Milena Đorđević, and at the end all participants blew out the candles on a three tier cake in honor of the tenth anniversary of Belgrade Open Pre-moot.
During the two days of pre-moot, and continuing the tradition of challenging and stimulating pleadings, students were given an opportunity to showcase their skills before highly competent arbitrators in the seminar rooms of the Faculty of Law and in the offices of Karanović/Nikolić law firm, Moravčević, Vojnović& Partners in cooperation with Schoenherr, Nikolić, Kokanović,Otašević law firm, Samardžić Oreški Grbović Law Office, Mihaj Ilić Milanović law firm, Gecić Law Firm, Čajić Law Firm, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia and American Chamber of Commerce in Serbia.
As a testament to the lasting quality of the event, leading experts in arbitration, esteemed practitioners, judges, academics and attorneys from all around the world, as well as one third of teams that advanced in the elimination rounds in Vienna, joined as arbitrators, chairing and judging in more than 170 hearing that took place over the weekend. The Schedule of hearings can be downloaded here.
The sponsors of this event did their best to provide the participants of the Belgrade Open Pre-Moot not only with the necessary and thorough practice but also a very rich social calendar. Thanks to the support provided, a welcome cocktail has been organized in the Bona Fides Faculty Lounge (El Derecho), Moravčević, Vojnović and Partners in cooperation with Schoenherr threw a traditional party for all the participants of the Pre-Moot in the urban ambiance of the Drugstore Clubhouse while the closing of the Belgrade Open took place in the authentic and pleasant atmosphere of Skadarlija bohemian quarter. A special evening cocktail organized for arbitrators preceded the opening of the Pre-Moot and was kindly hosted by Karanović/Nikolić law firm.
Aside from student volunteers from the Faculty of Law, the successful organization of the ninth Belgrade Open Pre-Moot tournament was generously supported by the German Institution of Arbitration (DIS), Serbian Arbitration Association, law offices Karanović/Nikolić, Moravčević, Vojnović& Partners in cooperation with Schoenherr, Nikolić, Kokanović, Otašević law firm, Samardžić Oreški Grbović Law Office, Mihaj Ilić Milanović law firm, Gecić Law Firm, Čajić Law Firm, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia and American Chamber of Commerce in Serbia.