Lecture on Recent Developments in the European Politics
Acting Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Greece and a professor of Constitutional Law Mr. Giorgos Katrougalos gave a lecture on Tuesday 6 December 2016 at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law. The topic of the lecture Recent developments in European politics attracted a large audience, including a significant number of students from the Faculty of Law. Prof. Katrougalos depicted an interesting picture of the development of the idea of Europe and particularly focused on active challenges faced by the EU. Multidisciplinary approach, interactive presentation and an interesting point on how left-winged parties are shaping up the European politics at the moment was followed by a vivid discussion among the students and guests in attendance. Closing remarks and thanks were given by the Dean of the Law Faculty, Prof Dr. Sima Avramović, followed by a special announcement of the a developing institutional cooperation between Democritus University of Thrace and the Faculty of Law University of Belgrade.