Additional Course on European Human Rights

Additional Course on European Human Rights

The Additional Course on European Human Rights has become a traditional course conducted within the Master in European integration programme and opened for all postgraduate and  undergraduate students. This year it was held in the period of  April 11-17, 2016. The course began with lectures of Prof. Dr. Dragoljub Popović, former judge to the EctHR, on the following topics: „Protection of Property in the Case-Law of the EctHR“, „The Role of Precedent  in the European Human Rights Law” and “Judicial Systems in Comparison”. After this, Aysegul Uzun Marinkovic, Lawyer at the European Court of Human Rights, held three  lectures on different aspects of Articles 2 and 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Finally, students had the unique opportunity to hear Prof. Dr. Lidja Basta Fleiner , who spoke about “Abuse of Human Rights”. Finally, participants of the course had an opportunity to listen Prof. Dr. Violeta Beširević, who held lectures on: “Temporal limitations of the right to life: Abortion and Euthanasia” and “Militant Democracy in the Case-Law of the EctHR”.