On the 26th of December 2019, as part of the SEELS project “Strenghtening the EU legal studies in the SE Europe”, Chief Legal Advisor at…

On October 9, 2019, the Jean Monnet Module Project Team successfully held the workshop entitled „The implications of SEE countries’ participation in the Stabilization and Association Process for the business community“. Around 50 businesspersons attended the workshop, organized in cooperation with the National Alliance for Local Economic Development (NALED)

On December 10th and 11th 2018, the seminar „Dispute Settlement in the World Trade Organization” was held at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law….

Dr Reinhard Priebe held the visiting lecture at MEI on October 30, 2018, with the topic: “The Membership Perspective of the Western Balkans and Brexit –…

Marco Evola, Professor of Lumsa University Palermo, held three visiting lectures at MEI from October 22 to 23, 2018, with the topics: Making newcomers more European…