Master studies


Master Studies of Law

Master studies of law at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law last for one year. During that period of time students are required to take 1 mandatory class and 2 elective courses at one of the dozens of areas of specialization offered in the curriculum, and to complete a master thesis (all together amounting to 60 ECTS), in order to receive an LL.M. degree. For the full list of offered courses per year and accompanying number of credits see Master Curriculum. The language of instruction is Serbian except for courses hyperlinked to English syllabus.

The right to enroll at the masters studies at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law has a person who has acquired at least 240 ECTS in his/her prior education, including those holding a bachelor’s degree from the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law, or other law faculty or faculty of social sciences, humanities or related sciences with a four year curricula.

Foreign students, other than nationals of the Republic of Srpska, interested in enrolling at Doctoral studies at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law, need to have their foreign higher education documents recognized first, for the purpose of further education. The procedure of recognition of foreign higher education documents takes place at the University of Belgrade and is explained in detail at the University web-site.

Master in European integration – MEI (English)

As of academic year 2008/2009 the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law offers a masters program in European Integration (MEI), entirely taught in English, to its students. Each year up to 50 students can enroll for this program. For more information on this program see MEI Booklet, brochure or visit the web-site of this program at

For more information contact Office for Post-Graduate studies by е-mail.

Master in Public Procurement Management – MPPM (English)

As of academic year 2017/2018 the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law offers another master program entirely taught in English language to its students: Master in Public Procurement Management – MPPM (see MPPM Curriculum). After the successful completion of this one year study program a student acquires 60 ECTS and Joint Master Degree of the University of Belgrade and of the University of Rome Tor Vergata with the academic title: Master in Public Procurement. More information on this program is available at

For more information contact Ms. Ljiljana Marić, Head of the Office for Post-Graduate studies by email:

International Master in Taxation – IMT (English)

International Master in Taxation (IMT) is a unique, multidisciplinary master programme organized jointly by the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Law and the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Economics and Business. This program represents a unique opportunity for those who are set to develop their professional careers in the field of taxation, as well as in financial and legal advisory, since it provides students with both legal and economic perspective of the tax phenomena, by combining a modern academic framework and set of skills in law, economics, finance and accounting. IMT is available both to students who hold bachelor degree with 180 ECTS and to those with 240 ECTS earn at the bachelor level. More information on this program is available at

For more information contact Office for Post-Graduate studies by email: or


University of Belgrade – Faculty of Law  will start in the academic year 2024/2025 with the new master`s study program in English – LAW AND GENDER.

Eligible are students from law, social sciences and humanities. The title achieved will be – MASTER OF LAWS IN LAW AND GENDER.

The official enrollment will be announced in the mid of September 2024.

The aims of the program shall be to offer adequate knowledge and skills for the work on both legal and non-legal jobs related to the gender mainstreaming in all relevant fields of law-making and law implementation in judiciary, decision-making in the governments and state administration, state/regional/local policy-making related to economics, social security, media, culture, and concerning the academic gender competent knowledge production in the fields of law as well as social sciences and humanities.

More information on Law and Gender master` s program is available at


“This is the second graduate program that I have chosen to study because I felt a lack of deeper knowledge and understanding of EU development during my involvement in political and social life in Latvia. This program gives a wonderful opportunity to those who plan their future career in politics or within European institutions to gain the necessary knowledge in just one year. Study courses include both theory and practice, thus allowing students to enhance their understanding of the processes, goals and aims of EU.”

Olga Gogina, student from Latvia

“The competence of the professors, the diversity of taught courses, as well as the level of academic coaching at this master’s program provides an excellent opportunity for all students to increase their knowledge in European political and legal issues, which is becoming increasingly important in today’s world. This program fully met my expectations and it was a pleasure attending it. “

Alexandre Maïdanatz, student from France

“First of all, the Master’s in European Integration program offers a wide range of courses addressing European integration in its various aspects. Thus, students can opt for and focus on particular areas of this broad topic depending on their interest. I consider taking the Master’s in European Integration program a great lesson – in addition to deepening my knowledge about the EU, I am learning a lot about Serbia and its attitudes, perspectives, opinions, hopes, fears etc. towards integration with the Union. It is an invaluable experience to listen to, witness and participate in discussions on the European topics in the Serbian context. “

Marta Głaczyńska, student from Poland

”Due to participation in this master program I gained a remarkable experience of studying in a high-level professional atmosphere. The organisation of Master’s studies left an outstanding impression on me because being a foreigner I have not undergone any difficulties both in administrative and academic processes. The wide range of selection of subjects, supplemented with literature, access to the library made studying most productive. In particular, I would like to mention the friendly attitude towards students and willingness to help in any situation. The choice of this program will satisfy any demanding applicant.”

Kateryna Popova, student from Ukraine

“The MEI program at the University of Belgrade has been a great opportunity for me to meet students from around the world and learn about the process of joining the European Union. Here in Belgrade I have found a very accommodating faculty, a wonderful city, and very open and inviting students. I would encourage many other students to enroll in the MEI program in order to understand this new and interesting field of study.”

Kevin Bassney, student from USA