Based on the quality of their written submissions, students of the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law participated in the final stage of the competition…
On Thursday, March 28, 2019, Ms. Dragana Korljan, Coordinator of the Unit for Justice, Protection and Social Rights within the Special Procedures Branch, Office of…
In the last several decades many European countries have been suffering from not only a demographic decline, but also an acute brain drain. Furthermore, many of these societies have been unable to rely on immigration to replace the population and talent loss. While other jurisdictions globally have been facing the issue of the brain drain for some time, it is in Europe that we see it combined with the demographic decline and the ageing of the population…
A delegation of the Russian State University of Justice (Российский государственный университет правосудия), composed of the Vice-Rector, Prof. Dr Nikitin (Никитин) and Dr Opalev (Опалев),…
A presentation of the book „Aloysius Stepinac – state, church, archbishop (1934-1941)“ (Алојзије Степинац – држава, црква, надбискуп (1934-1941)), by Academician Ljubodrag Dimić and Dr…