Our Students’ Successful Participation At The Prestigious European Law Moot Court

Our Students’ Successful Participation At The Prestigious European Law Moot Court

Final year bachelor students of the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law have accomplished admirable results in the Regional finals of the European Law Moot Court Competition for which they have qualified based on the quality of their written submissions. The Regional rounds were held from 16-19 February 2017 in Naples, Italy. This is only one of many successes of our University in the field of trial simulations. The ELMC is organized regularly for 30 years and is one of the most important international events concerning court simulations. Specifically, it deals with current issues concerning different areas of the EU law. This year our team was comprised of our bachelor students Isidora Grabež, Ivana Barać, Djordje Vićić and Nikola Milovanović. The team’s mentor was Professor Tatjana Jovanić. They have truly shown the ability to cope with their colleagues from specialized EU law oriented master programs from around the globe, even though EU banking regulations (The Single Supervisory Mechanism and new framework for bank restructuring), which were in core of this year’s hypothetical case dealt with,  do not form an integral part of the Republic of Serbia’s legal education.

elmc1Forty-eight teams from prestigious European and American universities participated in this phase of the competition. Four winners from four Regional finals will be given an opportunity to compete in the Grand Final which will be held before the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg.

Our team made particularly good impression in its duels with teams from University of Columbia (USA) and ASSAS University (France). Unfortunately, the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law team did not after all succeed in securing a position in the Luxembourg Grand Finals. However, our students have indeed represented their University at their best. Their experience can surely help in motivating other students to continue our University’s achievements in this and similar moot court competitions.