Call for three scholarships for the Master academic studies Law and Gender in the academic year 2024/2025 year
for Master academic studies Law and Gender
in the 2024/2025 school year
Eligible candidates for this call are students applying for a Master academic studies, one-year study program in Law and Gender in the academic year 2024/2025.
The scholarship includes an exemption from the obligation to pay tuition fees for the master academic studies Law and Gender for this academic year.
Tuition waiver funds were collected from private donations to support the Law and Gender master program.
The relevant criteria are not cumulative and are based on the following:
- weaker material status;
- being a member of a sensitive social group (national minorities, persons with disabilities, persons with recognized international protection in the Republic of Serbia or persons in asylum proceedings, single parents, as well as members of other sensitive social groups recognized in legal and strategic documents of the Republic of Serbia);
- achieved success at previous levels of study, as well as other academic and professional results that are important for promoting gender equality.
Candidates are not obliged to fulfill all the above-mentioned criteria.
A candidate cannot take part in this call if he/she is already receiving a scholarship on another basis.
Documentation required for application to the competition are the following:
- request with an explanation of the reasons for applying for the scholarship;
- CV, including all relevant information related to the achieved results of importance for the Law and Gender study program;
- certificate of the amount of the candidate’s last paid salary (if the candidate is employed), and if the candidate is unemployed (certificate from the National Employment Service), a certificate of the paid wages of household members certified by a company or institution in which household members are employed;
- a statement on the income of the candidate and members of the immediate family signed by the candidate, with the assumption of full moral and material responsibility (mandatory even if there is no additional income);
- proof of belonging to a particularly sensitive social group (if such proof exists).
Candidates have the right to apply for the competition until November 5, 2024.
The final decision will be made no later than 10 days after the deadline for submitting the application.
The final decision on awarding scholarships is made by the Director of the master program Law and Gender.
For more information about this call, interested students can contact via email: pds@ius.bg.ac.rs, lawgem@ius.bg.ac.rs or phone 011 30 27 677.