E-L-C Hub: New forms of public participation in environmental protection and SLAPP lawsuits in practice
On Tuesday, September 26, 2023, the Jean Monnet Chair for European Environmental Law and Climate Change Law of the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade, in cooperation with the OSCE Mission to Serbia, organized a round table on the topic “New forms of public participation in Environmental Protection and SLAPP Lawsuits in Domestic Practice”.
The round table was held within the E-L-C Hub (Environmental Law Clinic Hub) as a platform for connecting alumni of the Legal Clinic for Environmental Law and the Master’s Study in Environmental Law, as well as lawyers who are interested in the field of environmental protection.
The event was opened by Prof. Dr. Marko Jovanović, Faculty of Law Vice-dean for international cooperation. In her opening speach Prof. Dr. Mirjana Drenovak-Ivanović, emphasizing the importance of the public in the field of environmental law, which is growing along with the development of new technologies. Prof. Dr. Drenovak-Ivanović presented current ECHR case law on climate change and potential of public participation in climate disputes and climate litigations.
Lawyer Nina Nicović explained what procedures can be initiated in the field of environmental law. In addition, she presented the key characteristics of SLAPP lawsuits (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation), their criminal consequences, the possibility of further development in practice and mechanisms that ensure adequate and complete public participation in criminal proceedings.
After the presentation, there was a discussion with the participants, in which the participants had the opportunity to ask questions and share experiences from practice.