Visit of representatives of ADA University in Baku
On Friday, 21st of October 2022, Prof. Dr. Anar Valiyev, Dean of the School of Public and International Affairs of ADA University in Baku, Elshad Goyushov, Admissions Counselor for Undergraduate Recruitment of ADA University, and Mehriban Taghiyeva from the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Belgrade visited the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade. The guests from Azerbaijan were welcomed by the Vice-Dean for International Cooperation Prof. Dr. Jelena Lepetić, the Vice-Dean for Scientific and Professional Work Assist. Prof. Dr. Nina Kršljanin, Prof. Dr. Marko Jovanović and Dr. Ivana Rodić, who is in charge of international cooperation.
At the meeting were discussed opportunities for students, teaching and administrative staff exchanges, as well as for the realization of other forms of cooperation, which was established by the Cooperation Agreement concluded on 31st of March 2022 between the partner universities.
For the sake of academic connection, representatives of ADA University proposed organizing a student visit to Azerbaijan, as well as a student visit to Serbia, as part of an additional course or summer school, with the financial support of Azerbaijani companies. In addition, a proposal was put forward that in the coming period the cooperation should also be implemented within the Erasmus+ program, to enable research stays for teachers and postgraduate students at partner institutions, as well as to organize guest lectures on topics of common interest.
Prof. Dr. Anar Valiyev gave a lecture to the students of our faculty on the topic “Energy security in Europe and the Caucasus region”, after which a presentation was held on scholarship opportunities and realization of part of the study program at ADA University for law students of the University of Belgrade.