Forvm Romanvm: Dr Andreas Serafim gave a lecture on humour in ancient forensic oratory
On Friday, November 27, 2020, the guest of the Forum was Dr Andreas Seraphim (Ανδρέας Σεραφείμ), a research associate of the Academy of Athens and an expert in ancient Greek oratory and law. The title of his lecture was “Killing with a Smile: Comic Invective in the Public Forensic Speeches of Attic Oratory”. We had the opportunity to hear to what extent and in what cases logographers (writers of court sermons) used comic attacks on the opponent, and to see how serious attacks on someone’s reputation they actually were. The lecture was full of examples from ancient speeches, but also appropriately selected references to modern humour, and certainly kept the audience’s attention, and afterwards we had an intense discussion, in which, in addition to lawyers and law students, one artist and one art historian also took part – so we covered the topic from many aspects!