Browse the catalogue of the exhibition dedicated to the history of the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law!
The Board of the Faculty of Law University of Belgrade headed by Dean Mirko Vasiljević, PhD, made a decision to create a Museum Exhibition named The Establishment and Development of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade 1808–2012. The idea was put into action and an appropriate exhibition was put together portraying the Faculty’s establishment and chronological development path. The opening of the Museum was coupled with the publication of a highly informative and comprehensive exhibition Catalogue richly illustrated with images of the most important Museum exhibits accompanied by appropriate explanations and the Faculty’s chronology of events. As a representative publication bearing testimony to the rich history and progress of our institution spanning over two centuries, the Catalogue was often presented as a gift to prominent guests and friends of the Faculty. The entire fi rst edition of the Catalogue eventually melted away triggering the need for a new edition supplemented by the information on the signifi cant events that had taken place at the Faculty in the period 2012–2018. Subsequently, the current Faculty Board decided to take action once again and publish the new edition under the title Faculty of Law in Belgrade 1808–2018.
Belgrade, July 2019