A Celebration for the Opening of the Jean Monnet Chair in European Environmental Law
On Friday, the 22nd of November 2019, there was a celebration at the conference hall of the Faculty of Law to mark the beginning of work of the Jean Monnet Chair in European Environmental Law. The ceremony was also used to introduce the teachers and subjects which will be analysed at the Legal Clinic for Environmental Law, as the first of several courses organised by the Chair.
Speaking at the ceremony were Prof. Dr Zoran Mirković, the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Goran Trivan, the Minister of Environmental Protection, Andrea Orizio, the head of the OSCE Mission to Serbia, Francine Pickup, the Resident Representative of the UNDP in Serbia, Milan Marinović, the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection, Olja Jovičić, the Secretary General of the Protector of Citizens Office. Acting as moderator was Prof. Dr Mirjana Drenovak Ivanović, the academic coordinator of the Jean Monnet Chair in Environmental Law.
Prof. Dr Zoran Mirković handed a Certificate of Appreciation to the Head of the OSCE Mission in Serbia, as a sign of gratitude for the support in organising the work of the Legal Clinic for Environmental Law; five generations of students of the undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate studies have gone through the Legal Clinic so far.
The University of Belgrade Faculty of Law has been awarded the Jean Monnet Chair in European Environmental Law by the European Commission within the Jean Monnet Activities in the Erasmus+ Programme. The programme of the Jean Monnet Chair in European Environmental Law will unfold between the 1st of September 2019, and the 1st of September 2022. Our Faculty’s assistants Bojana Todorović and Marija Vlajković will also participate in the teaching and other activities – conferences, seminars, round tables, summer schools, and trainings for civil servants, judges and prosecutors.
The Jean Monnet Chair in European Environmental Law will bring together subjects and courses developed at our Faculty so far, allowing the area of environmental law to develop further through the introduction of new educational methods and improved programme networking. This project encompasses programmes which will serve to educate not only students of all levels in EU environmental law and the practices of the European Court of Justice, but also judges, attorneys, and civil servants.
The project will bring innovations into the teaching practice within 5 existing subjects (Environmental Law, Environmental Law and EU Policies, Legal Clinic for Environmental Law, Access to Justice in Environmental Matters, Environmental Protection in Administrative Procedures and Disputes), and also introduce 7 new courses (Challenges of EU Legislation in Applying the Emission Trading Scheme, Changes in the Administrative Procedure Aimed at Transferring the Environmental Acquis, Climate Change Law, Introduction into the EU Environmental Law, Influence of ECJ Practice on Changes in Environmental Law, Harmonisation of Serbian Laws with EU Environmental Law, Information Systems for EU Environmental Law: Sources and Databases). The programme also includes a new course for undergraduates – the Climate Change Law – as an elective subject at the fourth year of studies (in the summer semester).