The Jean Monnet module marked the Europe Day
On 9 May 2019 the Jean Monnet Module FTA-SEE marked the Europe Day by organizing a seminar dedicated to the latest developments in the Energy Community. The keynote speaker was Dr. Rozeta Karova, senior energy lawyer at the Energy Community Secretariat. The commentators were Professor Dr. Dušan V. Popović and Assist. Professor Dr. Marko Jovanović.
Dr. Rozeta Karova has expertise in energy market liberalisation, electricity market design and market opening as well as design and implementation of public service obligations. Her main daily activities consist in providing technical assistance to contracting parties of the Energy Community in implementing Energy Community acquis by reviewing as well as drafting both primary and secondary legislation. Additionally, she is in charge with enforcement of the Energy Community acquis through coordinating the Energy Community dispute settlement procedures in addition to acting herself as a case handler.