Conference “The identity transformation of Serbia” held
On April 18th and 19th 2019, the conference „The identity transformation of Serbia“ was held at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law, organized by our Faculty’s Institute for legal and social sciences, and papers written by the participants of the Faculty’s eponymous research project were presented in it. The conference was opened by the introductory words of the Dean of the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law, Professor Dr Zoran Mirković, the Vice-Dean for scienctific and professional work, Professor Dr Marko Đurđević, and the director of the Institute for legal and social sciences, Professor Dr Ivana Krstić. All the introductory speakers have expressed their joy with the elevation of the Faculty project to the next level by the organizing of this conference, as well as with the response of the participants and the audience, and finally underlined the importance of presenting the results of the work on the project to the expert public.
The work was divided into nine sessions, devoted to legal history, legal theory, international law and international relations, human rights, criminal law, civil and commercial law, legal-economic matters, arbitration law and foreign investment law, as well as procedural law. About fifty participants took part in the conference – professors, teaching associates and PhD studies students of the Faculty of Law. The conference hall was full of interested professors and students, making for a lively discussion after each panel. The success of the first project conference definitely opens the doors towards further development of its significance for years to come.