Master 2 diploma award ceremony
Оn December 21st 2018, at the ceremony held at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade, French national Master 2 diplomas in the field of European studies were awarded to students, marking the 22nd anniversary of the academic cooperation with the European University Centre from Nancy, University of Lorraine (Le Centre Européen Universitaire de Nancy, Université de Lorraine).
The ceremony started with the opening address by Professor Branko M. Rakic, head of Master 2 study program at the Faculty of Law, followed by Professor Yves Petit, director of the European University Centre in Nancy and Vice-Dean for International Cooperation, Ass. Professor Jelena Lepetic, who all congratulated students on their academic achievements.
Master diplomas “Etudes Européennees, 2e année, spécialité Droit de la Construction européenne” were awarded to students Tamara Delic, Milica Ilic, Teodora Jankovic, Eva Juric, Nikolija Nedeljkovic, Ana Plavsic, Marina Stojic and Milica Tomic, who completed both Master of European Integrations and Master 2 in the field of European studies and therefore obtained the double degree diploma (double diplôme).
The ceremony was followed by the lecture held by Professor Yves Petit for the new generation of Master 2 students for the academic year 2018/2019.