Dynamic Beginning of Cooperation with Belgorod Faculty of Law
In accordance with the previously signed cooperation agreement, the first student exchange group from the Belgorod State National Research University Faculty of Law arrived to our Faculty – four students who will spend the summer semester of 2017/18 listening to lectures here. They were accompanied by assistant professor Елена Юрьевна Цуканова (Elena Yuryevna Tsukanova), vice-dean for social-educational work of the Belgorod Faculty of Law.
On Friday, March 2, 2018 our colleagues from Belgorod had a meeting with our Dean, Professor Sima Avramović, and some of the teaching staff who will teach classes in Russian for the students from Belgorod during this semester. During the meeting, further development of the cooperation between our Faculties was discussed: mostly concerning student exchanges, but also joint academic work and participation in international university ranking programs.
After the meeting, assistant professor Tsukanova held a lecture for our students, entitled „Корпоративное право России: история развития и современное состояние“ (The company law of Russia: history of development and contemporary state). The lecture was translated into Serbian by assistant lecturer Maša Mišković.