Belgrade Mooties Won the Second Place at the AIA-CAM Pre-Moot
In the course of their preparations for this year’s XXV annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, the students of the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law took part at the pre-moot competition in Rome which took place from 15 to 17 February 2018.
The Rome Pre-Moot (the AIA-CAM Pre-Moot) was organized by the Associazione Italiana per l’Arbitrato and the Milan Chamber of Arbitration and gathered 15 participating teams from eight different countries. During three days of competition, our students had five oral arguments with the students from Milan (University of Milano Bicocca, La Statale and Bocconi), Helsinki (University of Helsinki), and Graz (University of Graz). At AIA-CAM Pre-Moot, the first place went to the team of University of Bocconi from Milan, while our team came second. The team was accompanied by Ass. Prof. Milena Đorđević, and took part not only in five moot sessions but also at the conference Soft Law in International Commercial and Investment Arbitration.
The next stage of preparation of our students will be the regional pre-moot in Osijek and the international one in Munich.
Belgrade Vis Moot team is comprised out of six undergraduate and master students: Ana Mazić, Blagoje Milošević, Srđan Dragićević, Ivana Barać, Sara Stojković and Mina Radonjić. Ass. Prof. Milena Djordjević and lecturer Uroš Živković are coaching the team, with the assistance of Ms. Andrea Nikolić.