Additional Course: American Constitutional Law And Legal Problems
The Additional course – American Constitutional Law And Legal Problems was held from November 7, 2017 to November 17, 2017 by guest lecturer James R. Troupis, a Circuit Court Judge of the State of Wisconsin (USA). Before accepting this recent appointment, Judge Troupis often appeared as an attorney in appellate and Trial Courts at every level throughout the United States and his legal representation included political cases on behalf of presidential campaigns, statewide political parties and grassroots organizations.
Judge James R. Troupis presented a meaningful and enjoyable program on American Constitutional Law. At the beginning, he reminded students about the early history of USA: first colonies, Declaration of independence and creating of US Constitution. Further, lectures continued with interested and up−to−date topics, e.g. importance and position of the judiciary in US constitutional system, racial and religious discrimination, freedom of speech and its limits, gun control, election process. The some topics were chosen by students, cause Judge Troupis provided them the opportunity to vote which topic they are most likely to hear. He used various methods to make his lectures interesting and interactive: presentations, videos (parts of the popular movies), Sokratic method of discussion, etc. As the result, every student was required to actively participate, debate and defend their views. Additionally, they were challenged to consider why they want to become lawyers and what it meant to be a great lawyer.
At the end of Course, the selected students (21 in total) who successfully attended the course were awarded a Certificate. The Course coordinator was Đorđe Marković. The Additional course was organized in cooperation with the Center for International Legal Studies from Salzburg, Austria.