Legal Education and Practice for International Lawyers
On March 3, 2017 the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law had a pleasure of hosting a delegation from the American Bar Association Section of International Law which included a number of renowned US practitioners: Ms. Deborah Enix-Ross, Mr. Adam Farlow, Mr. Stephen George, Ms. Orsolya Gorgenyi, Mr. Mario Kranjac, Ms. Cara Lee Neville, Ms. Sara Sandford, Ms. Lisa Savitt and Ms. Deniz Tamer. Their visit was organized by Prof. Ivana Krstić, Head of the Center for Human Rights of the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law.
During their stay at the Faculty the American Bar Association representatives participated in the discussion with Belgrade students and professors on Legal Education and Practice for International Lawyers. This discussion was well attended and raised numerous interesting questions on differences in legal education and legal practice between the two countries, and provided our students with valuable insights into the possibilities for developing a legal career on international level.