Opening of the Course “How to Draft a Law and Other Regulations (Legal Writing and Legal Reasoning)”
Official opening of the course “How to Draft a Law and other regulations (Legal Writing and Legal Reasoning)” was held on 6 October 2016 at University of Belgrade Faculty of Law. The course was opened by Prof. Dr. Sima Avramović, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Prof. Dr. Radmila Vasić, Ms. Svetislava Bulajić, Secretary General of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Ms. Steliana Nedera, UNDP Deputy Resident Representative, Serbia, Ms. Chloe Milner, Head of Governance Department, Swiss Cooperation Office Serbia and Mr. Gradimir Nenadović, Deputy Director of the Republic Legislative Secretariat of the Government of the Republic of Serbia.
Drafting laws will become an easier and a more effective task for the current or future law creators after attending a one-semester Legislative Drafting Course newly introduced as part of the regular curriculum at the Law School at the University of Belgrade. The Course is the part of the project entitled Strengthening the Oversight Role and Transparency of the Parliament – Phase II, which is being implemented by UNDP in partnership with the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia and financed by The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
This course brings together practitioners who draft laws, correct amendments and approve drafts on a daily basis with 50 students and 75 representatives from different institutions, such as National Assembly, ministries, Vojvodina Assembly etc. who signed up as the first attendees of this Course.
UNDP’s Deputy Resident Representative in Serbia, Ms. Steliana Nedera, said that this course will not only contribute to setting up a systematized approach for a more thorough knowledge of the subject, careful attention to detail, and adherence to such common-sense principles as simplicity, clarity and good organization but also a culture of participatory and harmonized approach to processes. She underscored that there cannot be a successful development of a country without these preconditions, and added: “We hope that the new generations of students will take this unique opportunity to learn directly from the people who are drafting and amending the laws that govern their lives as most useful for their future professions”.
More info on this Course can be found at: http://wp2008.ius.bg.ac.rs/nomotehnika