Successful preparations of our students for the Vienna Moot
In the course of their preparations for this year’s XXI annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, the students of the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law took part at pre-moot competitions in Milan and Munich. Belgrade Vis Moot team is comprised out of eight undergraduate and master students: Igor Radovanović, Kevin Bassney, Maja Dobrić, Marija Vićić, Milena Radosavljević, Milica Maričić, Miloš Vukotić and Vanja Djuričić. Professors Vladimir Pavić and Milena Djordjević are the head coaches of the team, like in the past eleven years.
The Milan pre-moot was organized by the Chamber of Arbitration of Milan on 28 February 2014. At this pre-moot our students met with their colleagues from Zurich, Catholic University of Milan and State University of Milan and left an excellent impression. They were ranked sixth out of 12 participating teams, with Turin University taking home the trophey. The team was accompanied by coach Uroš Živković.
This year’s tenth Munich Pre-Moot (All-Munich Rounds) was organized by the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and gathered 18 participating teams. During the two days of competition, our students had seven oral arguments with the students from Berlin, Rutgers, Basel, Passau, Munich, Freiburg and Kozminski University of Warsaw. In the end of All-Munich Rounds, University of Belgrade was awarded third prize for their overall performance, winning 6 out of 7 rounds and scoring an average grade only 0.7 points lower than the average grade of the first ranked team – Rutgers University fro the US. The team was accompanied by coach Marko Jovanović and assistant coach Dina Prokić.
The next stage of preparation of our students will be the traditional Belgrade Open Pre-Moot taking place at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law which will gather almost 60 teams from all parts of the world on 5 and 6 April 2014 as a final check-up before the Vienna Moot starts on 11 April.
Participation of our students either at these pre-moot tournaments or at the Vienna Moot finals would not have been possible had it not been for the generous support of our donors. The University of Belgrade Faculty of Law is using this opportunity to express its gratitude to: law firm Karanović-Nikolić, law firm Moravčević, Vojnović and partners in cooperation with Schoenherr, law firm Petrikić and partners, Wolf Theiss, Harrisons solicitors, Baklaja & Igrić law firm, Nikolić/Kokanović/Otašević law firm, Joksović, Stojanović and partners, law firm Tomić Stević Dulić, law firm Stanković and partners, law office Todorović, Dušan Sivčev, attorney-at-law, Miroslav Paunović, attorney-at-law, law office Andrić, Bar Association of Belgrade, Energoprojekt holding ad., Banca Intesa ad, Societe generale ad, JP Milan Gale Muškatirović and to private executor Mr. Marko Vukićević.