Great success of our students at the FDI Moot
Once again the students of the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law have achieved outstanding results at an international moot court competition. At this year’s annual Foreign Direct Investment Moot, which gathered sixty seven teams from twenty seven countries from all around the world, Belgrade team, comprised of Katarina Grga, Nikola Ilić, Dragana Nikolić, Dina Prokić, Anđelka Todorović and Bojana Todorović, and coached by Marko Jovanović and Uroš Živković, lecturers at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law, won the award for the III best Claimant Memorial. Furthermore, our student, Bojana Todorović, was praised as one of the top 10 advocates of the Moot out of 200 student participants, receiving Honorable Mention for her performance in the oral part of the competition. The success of our students is particularly important as the top 3 memorials and counter-memorials, including the one submitted by the team of our students, will be published by the renowned TDM Journal (Transnational Dispute Management Journal). After the scores for memorial, counter-memorial and the overall qualification round points were calculated, the Belgrade team was ranked as the 8th Best University in the world, which in itself is a remarkable success bearing in mind the total number of participating universities.
The FDI Moot was organized by German Institution for Arbitration (DIS), in cooperation with the Frankfurt International Arbitration Center, and was held in Frankfurt in the period of October 24-26. The Moot Problem involved a hypothetical case in connection with an investment by a private investor in a foreign host state. The problem was particularly challenging as it encompassed some of the most debated issues of contemporary international investment law: scope and recoverability of moral damages in investment disputes, public health exceptions, abusive restructuring pertaining to treaty and forum shopping and creeping expropriation.