Ambassador Michael D. Kirby's Lecture

Ambassador Michael D. Kirby’s Lecture

U.S. Ambassador to Serbia Michael Kirby, was a guest of Student Parliament of the Law Faculty of the University of Belgrade and more than an hour and answered questions from the students, who filled the amphitheater second to last place.

They asked questions about Kosovo, Serbian Republic, relations between the U.S. and the EU, the EU and Russia, double standards in international politics and law, what prevents foreign investors to invest in Serbia and the like.

The ambassador in his speech said that the need to work on correcting the justice system, the police and the greater efficiency of the fight against corruption, bureaucracy, besides preventing the arrival of investors.

“I believe that you will choose instead to corruption and the rule of law to be wondering whether you should pay for better assessment, referee to get slow,” said the U.S. ambassador.

Cheers got a student who asked what would happen to separate Texas from the United States, as it tries to Kosovo from Serbia. Kirby said that it is not good because it parallels the treatment of Texas identical treatment of other states in the U.S..

Host Ambassador Kirby was the dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade, prof. Dr. Sima Avramovic, a lecture was attended by the rector of Belgrade University, prof. Vladimir Bumbaširević.