Iustoria – International Student Conference on Legal History

The foundations for the Iustoria Student Conference were set in 2019, with the aim of promoting student research in the field of legal history. The working languages of the conference are Serbian and English, and students who are eligible to participate are undergraduates and postgraduates of law schools and other faculties of social sciences and humanities. The annual theme for the conference is chosen so as to cover as many historical periods and legal systems as possible, and apart from the presentations of students’ papers, there will also be guest keynote lectures by selected experts. The conference is held on the 25th of March, which is the anniversary date for the Serbian Civil Code of 1844, with the possibility of extending it for 1-2 days more, depending on the number of the applications.

IUSTORIA 2023 – Law and Punishment

  • Programme
  • Accepted abstracts

The current information related to the conference can be found on Facebook and Instagram.



Past Conferences