Center for Legal Fundamentals

As part of the ALF project, the Office for International Projects at the Institute of Legal and Social Sciences, as well as the Center for Basic Legal Knowledge, was formed.
Project administrator: Miona Mina Vukanić
Director of the Center: Prof. Dr. Bojan Spaić
Projects in progress

Duration 36 months: 1 October 2022 – 30 September 2025.
“Advancing Cooperation on the Foundations of Law” is the first project of the Horizon program for which the Faculty of Law received funding and which began on October 1, 2022. The coordinator of the project is the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade, and the partner institutions are the Giovanni Tarello Institute of the University of Genoa, the University of Surrey and the Institute of Legal Sciences of the University of Lisbon. The goal of the project is to establish and maintain cooperation between partner universities in order to establish forms of work that will increase the visibility of researchers from the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade at the European and global level and increase the chances that the Faculty of Law will successfully apply for new international projects in the future. The project received funding under the TWINNIG HORIZON call under the name HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-0, and was rated with a high score of 13.5 out of a maximum of 15 points. The total budget of the project is 1.5 million euros.

Duration 36 months: 1/1/2023 – 12/31/2025.
“Budget-It” is a three-year project focused on the transformation of institutions in Bosnia, Serbia and Turkey through gender budgeting, with the aim of promoting inclusive gender equality. This project, supported by leading universities from Italy and Spain, integrates gender budgeting into gender equality plans ensuring a fair and intersectional distribution of resources. Through cooperation between universities and municipalities, the project aims to create real change in social structures, strengthening capacities to implement gender equality measures, especially in the context of growing nationalism. At the end of the project, the development of an integrated gender equality plan and budget that will support institutional and social transformation is expected.

Duration 15 months: 1 October 2023 – 31 December 2024.
The LAWGID project develops a joint master’s program in law, gender equality, intersectionality and diversity, making a significant contribution to the priorities of the European Commission, including LGBTIQ equality, the fight against gender-based violence, children’s rights, rights of persons with disabilities and the rule of law. This joint master’s program covers all the mentioned areas. Participants include three universities from Northern, Southern and Eastern Europe, bringing different traditions and cultures. The program covers not only areas of law that are obviously related to gender, intersectionality and diversity (such as criminal law, labor law and human rights), but also traditional areas of law that are less explored, such as tax law, contract law and company law.
The LAWGID project aims to accredit the master’s degree in law and gender equality, which was jointly prepared by the University of Belgrade, Lumsa University and Orebro University.
Jean Monnet Chair in European Environmental and Climate Change Law EECL

Duration 36 months: 1/10/2023 – 1/10/2026
Jean Monnet Chair in European Environmental and Climate Change Law
Finished international projects

Duration 36 months: 9/9/2021 – 9/8/2024
UniSAFE- Ending Gender Based Violence (GBV), a three-year European inter-university project, with nine partner institutions, started on February 8 and 9, 2021. The aim of this project, in which the University of Belgrade is an external partner, is to get information about gender-based violence and sexual harassment in colleges and other academic institutions, and to use this knowledge to eliminate GBV in universities.

Duration 36 months: 1 October 2019 – 30 September 2022
New Quality in Education for Gender Equality – Strategic Partnership for the Development of a Master’s Study Program LAW AND GENDER
The goals of the project are, first of all, to build a completely innovative systemic curriculum and program of master’s legal studies, which will include all relevant areas of legal education and legal practice, as well as non-legal relevant areas such as economic analysis of law, criminology. , and social-psychological fields of research and knowledge. Second, to create a textbook and learning materials relevant to the Law and Gender Master’s program; third, create a legal clinic; and fourth, to create an online platform for lifelong learning (on-line platform for lifelong learning) on gender issues, which would contribute to raising awareness of gender equality and improving the knowledge and practice necessary to fight against all forms of gender-based discrimination, violence and sexual harassment.
The final results of this project will be the implementation of the master’s program LAW AND GENDER

Duration 36 months: 1/12/2016 – 30/11/2019
Erasmus+ project Development and implementation of system for performance evaluation for Serbian HEIs and system – PESHES
The project “Development and implementation of the performance evaluation system for higher education institutions and the system in Serbia – PESHES” has a broader goal of improving the management, work and quality of higher education institutions and systems in Serbia. In order to fulfill the general goal, the project has specific goals to define and implement indicators and measures for performance-based evaluation of higher education institutions and systems as a basis for value-based management in higher education institutions and the system in Serbia; Structuring and pilot implementation of the system for ranking institutions and study programs and introducing performance measurement in the accreditation and re-accreditation of study programs and HEIs.
Jean Monnet Module – Free Trade Agreements and European Integration of SEE countries

Duration 36 months: 01/09/2017 – 31/08/2020
In 2017, the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Law was awarded a three-years grant under the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Programme to support teaching on free trade agreements in the context of European integrations. The Jean Monnet Module entitled „Free Trade Agreements and European Integration of SEE countries“ is established within the Master in European Integration program. The project’s reference number is: 586505-EPP-1-2017-1-RS-EPPJMO-MODULE.
Jean Monnet Chair in European Environmental Law

Duration 36 months: 1 September 2019 – 31 August 2022.
The Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade was awarded the Jean Monnet Chair in European Environmental Law by the decision of the European Commission on Jean Monnet activities within the ERASMUS+ program. The work program of the Jean Monet Chair for European Environmental Law lasts from September 1, 2019 to September 1, 2022. Our faculty’s assistants Bojana Todorović and Marija Vlajković participate in teaching and activities organized in the form of seminars, round tables, summer schools, training for civil servants, training for judges and prosecutors, and conferences.