Forvm Romanvm: Prof. Dr Coleman Dennehy gave a lecture “Ireland, the law, and a long history of the English colony in Ireland”
After the holiday break, on Friday, May 7th, 2021, the guest of the Forum was Prof. Dr Coleman Dennehy from the University College Dublin, with a lecture on “Ireland, the law, and a long history of the English colony in Ireland”. Beginning with the papal bull of Adrian IV (the only English pope in history) in 1155, which allowed Henry II to invade Ireland in order to reform its church, he showed us how Ireland’s position under English rule changed over the centuries, until the secession of most of the island and the creation of the Republic of Ireland in 1921. He paid special attention to the period after 1603, when the legal status of Ireland became the worst, many discriminatory restrictions on a religious basis were prescribed for the population, and the position of the Irish Parliament was very limited. After the lecture, a lively discussion developed on various topics – from the similarities of medieval Irish and Slavic laws, to the position of Ireland in the EU after Brexit.