Forvm Romanvm: Prof. Sima Avramović gave a lecture “The Gortyn Code then and now”
Since the pandemic persists, the club Forvm Romanvm has also temporarily switched its activities to an online mode. The first lecture in the autumn semester of 2020 was held on November 13th by Prof. Dr Sima Avramović, our Forum Caesar, on the topic “The Gortyn Code then and now”. The numerous Forum members who followed the lecture from their homes had the opportunity to hear a lot about the nature and content of this oldest preserved European codification, but also about its discovery at the end of the 19th century, the work of past and present researchers studying it, as well as regarding Prof. Avramović’s personal experiences in Gortyn. The extremely interesting lecture was followed by a lively discussion with a large number of interested participants – from freshers to fellow professors – which lasted almost twice as long as the lecture itself. Although some missed the benches in Amphitheater VI and the Forum room, the atmosphere was the same as on live meetings, and we didn’t get tired even after two and a half hours! A great start of the fall season in the year in which the Forum turns a magnificent fifty years!