ADDITIONAL COURSE – Regulation of Digital Content through Online Service Providers
Regulation of Digital Content through Online Service Providers – The new European Union Digital Services Act (DSA) and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
All relevant information about course are available at: MEI Additional course on Digital Regulation (pdf)
1st Day
1. Offline and Online Digital Content regulation: what, why, how?
2. The EU Digital Strategy: its legal documents and their implication for the regulation of digital content
3. The EU Digital Services Act: an overview – liability of providers; due diligence obligation; and enforcement.
4. Fundamental/Human Rights and online regulation: normative conflicts emerging from horizontal relations and positive obligations
2nd Day
5. The scope and essential legal notions of online regulation: intermediary service providers; online platforms, consumers, traders, illegal content; content moderation and terms & conditions.
6. Liability of online service providers: general framework and exemptions
7. The EU DSA divide between illegal content and harmful (and not illegal) content; specific problems regarding privacy and freedom of expression (especially: disinformation and hate speech)
3rd Day
8. Self-regulation, regulated-self regulation (co-regulation) and due diligence obligations.
9. Special regime for hosting providers: notice and action mechanisms;
10. Special regime for online platforms: internal complaint-handling system and (out-of-court) conflict resolution
11. Special regime for online platforms: trusted flaggers and transparency obligations.
12. Traders on platforms
4th Day
13. VLOP (very large online platforms): systemic risks, recommender systems, data access; compliance officers, transparency and enforcement.
14. National digital services coordinators, penalties and complaints;
15. European Board for Digital Services
5th day
Mock case from user/consumer, platform, trader and regulator perspectives.
Тhose who wish to attend please fill out the form