Seminar: Meaning and aims of ‘E’ pillar in ESG (environmental, social and governance)
On 11-12 December 2023, the Jean Monnet Chair in European Environmental and Climate Change Law, supported by the OSCE Mission to Serbia, organised the seminar ‘Meaning and aims of ‘E’ pillar in ESG (environmental, social and governance)’. Students of the Master in Environmental Law and PhD program and Environmental Law Clinic Hub had an opportunity to hear more on regulatory changes and corporate sustainability due diligence in practice and to identify and analyse the relevant legal, social, business, ethical, and scientific issues involved. We would like to thank to our panelists who shared their valuable expertise.
Accession of Serbia to the EU: Green Agenda and Sustainable Connectivity
Meaning and aims of ‘E’ pillar in ESG (environmental, social and governance)
University of Belgrade Faculty of Law,
Monday, December 11, 2023.
Session I (Serbian language) – amf. X
16.00 – 17.30
- Dr. Mirjana Drenovak-Ivanović, Full Professor in Environmental and Climate Change Law
Human rights and environmental due dilligens - Jelena Perović, Climate Change Advisor, Ministry of Environmental Protection
Green Agenda for Western Balkans and Carbon Border Adjusment Mechanism – CBAM - Svetlana Pekez, attorney at law
EU Taxonomy Regulation
Coffee break 17.30 – 17.45
Session II (Serbian language)
17.45 – 19.00
- Miloš Kuzman, Head of Energy and Environmental Law Group, NIS a.d. Novi Sad,
ESG in energy transition: shifting to renewable energy? - Milan Dakić, Partner, BDK Advokati,
Transition to a more responsible business model in waste management - Nađa Nicović, Compliance Manager at Dunav Insurance Company j.s.c
ESG in insurance
University of Belgrade Faculty of Law,
Tuesday, December 12, 2023.
Session I (English language) – Dekanat – Sala za sednice
- Miriam di Traglia, Corporate sustainability due dilligence in practice, Executive Director Compliance, Risk & Sustainability United Group,
Corporate sustainability due dilligence
Session II (English language)
- Dr. Milan Parivodić, attorney at law, former Minister of International Economic Relations of Serbia
Companies’ liability in mining industry and impact of EU ESG policy in Western Balkans
20.00 Cocktail