Center for Legal Fundamentals (CLF) proudly announces Belgrade Legal Philosophy Week 2023 “AI and Law” organised within the ALF (Advancing Cooperation on the Foundations of Law) project. This year’s conference dealing with Artificial Inteligence and Law starts on Monday, 13th of November 2023 and will last throughout the week with the final Conference and closing events on Saturday 18th of November 2023.
We invite you to the following series of academic events:
- Tenth International Student Conference in Theory and Philosophy of Law
To kick-off, Tenth International Student Conference in Theory and Philosophy of Law organized by the Centre for Legal Fundamentals and IVRS that will take place on Monday and Tuesday (13-14 November 2023) at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law Conference Room and online via Webex. The topic of the Conference is “Law and Digital Technologies”.
You can join us in person or via following links:
1st day (Monday) – https://pravni.webex.com/pravni/j.php?MTID=mf0a3c2f52c14b194f4973c4910063ba9
2nd day (Tuesday) – https://pravni.webex.com/pravni/j.php?MTID=mbf48415ad98b8cc066c470899dc71dbb
- Belgrade Legal Theory Group Meetings
Three Belgrade Legal Theory Group meetings will take place at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law (Webex Room) and online via Webex. Meetings start daily at 5:00 PM CET. We will have the honor to listen and participate in the lectures held by BGL ALF partners:
– On November 14th 2023, Professor Marco Segatti, from the University of Genoa, will talk about “The Problem with Hart’s Habits: Elements of a Humean Conception of Social Obligation”.
The link for online participation is the following: https://pravni.webex.com/pravni/j.php?MTID=m34982e7b9818c859f61f056b91b29370
– On November 15th 2023, Professor Domingos Farinho, from the University of Lisbon, will lecture on “Regulation of Artificial Intelligence in the EU”.
The link for online participation is the following: https://pravni.webex.com/pravni/j.php?MTID=m7c73b4da7a8fb2a47ea780713df933f6
-On November 16th 2023, Elena Ferrari, Allegra Grillo, and Professor Alessio Sardo, from the University of Genoa, will discuss “The Judicialization of Rent Controls in Europe”.
The link for online participation is the following: https://pravni.webex.com/pravni/j.php?MTID=m4e5d3d6f93bb1fb2f800ecdd0a75ff6d
- ALF Conference “Libraries and Artificial Intelligence”
As part of ALF Belgrade Legal Philsophy Week, Conference “Libraries and Artificial Intelligence” will be held on November 17th 2023, at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law Conference Room. This Conference starts at 9:15 AM and you can join us in person and online via Webex to hear more about this important topic for Academia from variety of interesting speakers and experts.
Link for online participation: https://pravni.webex.com/pravni/j.php?MTID=mba80dc835a7e2c54c551a6350be37466
- “AI and Law” International Conference
Two-part ALF International Legal Conference “AI and Law” dedicated to practically oriented legal fundamentals with a focus on discussing the practical implications of AI in the legal profession will take place on 17 and 18 November 2023.
On the November 17th 2023, from 2:00 PM CET, the first part of the Conference in the premises of Law Office Moravčević Vojnović and Partners in cooperation with Schoenherr (6-8 Bulevar Vojvode Bojovića, Kalemegdan Business Center, VI floor). The topic of this event, that will host numerous experts from practice, is “AI in Legal Practice”.
The second part of the “AI and Law” conference titled “AI and Philosophy of Law” will take place on November 18th 2023, University of Belgrade Faculty of Law Conference Room, beginning at 9.30 AM CET. The Conference will be aimed at critically assessing recent developments of AI and machine learning from the philosophical perspective.
You can join us in person and online via following links:
First part of the “AI and Law” Conference, November 17 2023:
Second part of the “AI and Law” Conference, November 18 2023: