Development of regional programs for education in Environmental law and Climate change law: Visit of the United Nations Development Program Bosnia and Herzegovina to Faculty of Law
University of Belgrade faculty of Law hosted a delegation of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Bosnia and Herzegovina within the framework of the project “Improvement of the governance of environmental law in BiH – Eco-justice” on Tuesday, June 13th 2023. Following the opening speach of Prof. Dr. Marko Jovanović, vice dean for international cooperation, Prof. Dr. Mirjana Drenovak-Ivanović presented programs developed at the Faculty of Law in the field of environmental and climate change law: Environmental law, Study for specialization in environmental law, Master’s study in environmental law, Environmental law clinic, Climate change law, PhD research in environmental law, Jean Monnet Chair in European Environmental Law. The UNDP BiH delegation consisted of representatives of educational centers for judges and prosecutors in BiH. This was an opportunity to discuss possibilities for regional cooperation in joint programs intended for holders of judicial functions and students in BiH. During the exchange of experiences on the methodology of development of the educational program, Prof. Dr. Mirjana Drenovak-Ivanović pointed out the basics of training in the field of environmental law and seminars for holders of judicial functions (primary courts, higher and appellate courts, misdemeanour courts, prosecutor’s offices and users of the initial training program of the Judicial Academy) that are organised as part of the Judicial Academy program, with the support of the OSCE Mission in Serbia, in the development and implementation of which she has been participating since 2017. The participants emphasised the need for further cooperation in the development of educational program in the field of environmental law and climate change law at the regional level.