Panel “Joseph Raz and Law’s Moral Claims”
We invite you on behalf of the Belgrade Legal Theory Group to join us at the panel “Joseph Raz and Law’s Moral Claims” which will take place on Monday, June 6 at 5 pm via the Webex Meetings platform.
The last fifth lecture this academic year is reserved for Brian Bix from the University of Minnesota Law School, who will talk about law’s moral claims on the occasion of the death of the great philosopher of law Joseph Raz (1939-2022).
You can join the lecture via the following link:
https://ppma.webex.com/ppma/j.php? MTID=m657b1141a54029460526aa61b605264d
We look forward to your participation!In the meantime, you can follow all BLTG activities at the following link: https://www.facebook.com/BGLegalTheory