Forvm Romanvm: Prof. Dr Dejan Ječmenica gave a lecture "Serbian medieval seals"

Forvm Romanvm: Prof. Dr Dejan Ječmenica gave a lecture “Serbian medieval seals”

On Friday, May 14th, 2021, the Forum hosted Prof. Dr Dejan Ječmenica from the University of Belgrade Faculty of Philosophy, with a lecture on “Serbian medieval seals”. In the introduction, he referred to the function of the seals and the terms for them that were used in the Middle Ages, and presented the usual classification of the seals according to material, method of sealing, and the number and content of representations on them. The main part of the lecture was a review and analysis of a large number of preserved seals from the medieval Serbian states, from the seal of Prince Strojimir from the second half of the 9th century, over many seals of rulers from the Nemanjić dynasty, to the seal of the Serbian Despot Stefan Lazarević and Bosnian King Stefan Ostojić from the early 15th century. By drawing attention to many features, from the material, through the symbolism in the depictions, to the interesting details in the inscriptions on the seals, he showed the great importance of sphragistics for studying the history (including legal history) of medieval Serbian countries. After the lecture, a long and interesting discussion developed.