Iustoria 2020 goes online
Dear participants, dear colleagues,
Given that the epidemiological situation is not yet stable, and that the participants from abroad would face numerous difficulties in traveling, we have decided to hold the Iustoria 2020 conference online. We are sorry that we cannot welcome you at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law – we hope that Iustoria 2021 will give us an opportunity to make up for this – but this is, after all, a safer and more responsible approach for all of us.
All of the presentations found in the preliminary programme remain in the schedule for the online conference, including the keynote lectures (although we will all have to make our own lunch arrangements :)); the only change will be in the order of presentations, considering these two factors:
- It would be far too complicated to organize simultaneous interpretation for online presentations; hence, the division into sessions will be adjusted so as to keep the sessions entirely in English, or in Serbian. We will do our best to keep all the presentations on the same day that was originally planned for them.
- We will make an effort to coordinate the presentations given by participants who are in time zones that are far from Belgrade’s in such a way that doesn’t compel them to sit by their computers in the middle of the night.
This will inevitably disturb the original programme that was organized around particular subjects, but we will do our best to keep the changes at a minimum.
If any of you are aware that the day planned for your presentation would no longer work for you, that you could only give the presentation at a certain time during the day, or that in spite of the conference being held online you would not be able to make it at all, please, let us know as soon as possible, so that we could adjust the programme accordingly.
Several participants have already contacted us with a plea to extend the deadline for sending the drafts of the papers. As we are acutely aware of the extraordinary circumstances, we will not insist on sending the drafts by September 15th; we would, however, like to ask those who would not be able to send their paper by September 20th to let us know expressly via e-mail, confirming their intention to participate in the conference.
As always, we are here for any questions or dilemmas you might have!
Warm regards,
The Iustoria team
Iustoria 2020 – postponed for October and re-opening the call for papers
Iustoria – International Student Conference on Legal History