Jean Monnet Chair in European Environmental Law
The European Commission Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture (EACEA) selected for EU co-funding the application of the University of Belgrade Law Faculty for a Jean Monnet Chair in European Environmental Law. The Jean Monnet Chair holder is Prof. Dr Mirjana Drenovak-Ivanović. The project team includes two Ph.D. candidates and teaching assistants from the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law, Bojana Todorović, LL.M, and Marija Vlajković, LL.M. The duration of the project is three academic years, starting from year 2019/2020.
The third of all regulations Serbia should transpose and implement in accordance with EU standards is related to environmental protection. In the transposition of the environmental acquis, a lot of legal standards, whose essence can be grasped by observing their development and application in the EU, will be introduced into national law. The project is designed to ensure education and continuous training in the field of EU environmental law. It provides further training in the field of EU environmental law and the practice of CJEU not only of bachelor, master and doctoral students, but also the judges, lawyers, public servants (central, local and regional level) and high level of decision-makers. The project provides teaching/lectures to students from other departments. The research and teaching within the project will also include the analysis of challenges in environmental law and EU emission trading system, climate change law, the influence that changes in administrative law have on environmental acquis and development of access negotiation process in chapter on environmental protection and climate change, changes of industrial policy, integration of sustainable development in national policy and law, legal aspects of circular economy, changes in other fields of law as a result of development of environmental law. Additional activities will also be performed: a scientific conference, summer school and webinars, publication of books, a Reader of significant CJEU case law, roundtable debates, workshop, social media coverage. Syllabi, course summaries and developed materials will be freely accessible.