A Celebration of the Faculty Day and the Patron Saint Festivity at the Faculty of Law
The University of Belgrade Faculty of Law celebrated the Faculty Day and its Patron Saint Day (slava) – Krstovdan – on the 27th of September, 2019. In addition to the teachers and students of the Faculty of Law, many renowned representatives of the legal profession, along with high officials from other scientific institutions, the State Administration, and local entrepreneurs, witnessed the cutting of the ritual bread and the ceremony at the amphitheater “Radomir Lukić”.
The ceremony started off with a performance by the Teofilović Brothers. During the recital, Prof. Dr Zoran Mirković, the Dean of the Faculty of Law, and Jugoslav Tintor, the chairman of the Bar Association of Belgrade, addressed the students.
The Dean, Prof. Zoran Mirković, congratulated the recent graduates, wishing them success on the road which started at the Faculty of Law, the road that is bound to leave its mark on their lives in many ways, all the while reminding them to uphold the professional and moral codes that the Faculty strived to instill in them, along with passing on the knowledge.
After the formal part of the ceremony, the graduates of Bachelor and Master studies were awarded their diplomas and special awards.
This year as well, for the fifth time, the Arbitration Association, in collaboration with the Faculty of Law, has awarded the “Gašo Knežević” award for the best paper on alternative trade dispute resolution. The first place, along with a monetary prize, was awarded to Stefan Jovanović, a BA student, for the paper entitled “Potential Problems in Arbitration Decisions Related to M&A Transactions” („Potencijalni problemi arbitražnih odluka u M&A transakcijama“). The second place, along with the Knežević Family Award, was bestowed upon David Vučinić, also a BA student, for the paper entitled “Confidentiality in International Commercial Arbitration – Corner or a Mourner Stone?”, and the third place award went to Luka Kokić, an MA student, for the paper entitled “Expanding the Effects of Arbitration Agreements on Nonsigning Parties – the Group of companies doctrine” („Proširenje dejstva arbitražnog sporazuma na nepotpisnike – doktrina Grupe privrednih društava“). The prizes were awarded by the Dean, Prof. Zoran Mirković, on behalf of the Faculty of Law; on behalf of the Arbitration Association by Ass. Prof. Milena Đorđević, a Board member of the Association, and on behalf of the Knežević family by Mrs Iva Ruškuc, Prof. Knežević’s daughter.