Conference “Principles, facts, socio-legal studies” held
The Serbian section of the International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (Internationale Vereinigung für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie – IVR) organized an international conference “Principles, facts, socio-legal studies” on March 18th 2019. The presenters from Serbia and abroad talked about legal principles, about the difference between legal principles and legal rules, about facts in law and deliberation on the facts, as well as about contemporary sociological approaches to law. Professor Dr Martin Borowski (Heidelberg University), Professor Dr Giovanni Tuez (University of Boconni), Dr Jorge Alexander Portocarrero Quispe (Heidelberg University), Assistant Professor Dr Damir Banović (University of Sarajevo), Professor Dr Jasminka Hasanbegović, Professor Dr Miodrag Jovanović and Professor Dr Goran Dajović (University of Belgrade) have all participated by giving presentations. The conference has been organized by the Assistant Professor Dr Bojan Spaić on behalf of the Serbian section of IVR, and members of the organizing committee were Professor Dr Jasminka Hasanbegović (president of the Organizing committee) and Professor Dr Miodrag Jovanović (member of the Organizing committee).
International conference – Principles, facts, socio-legal studies