The permanent exhibition “Prof. Dr Živojin Perić – life and work” was formally opened during the celebration of St Sava’s Day, on January 27th
The permanent exhibition “Prof. Dr Živojin Perić – life and work”, authored by prof. dr Jovica Trkulja, was formally opened during the celebration of St Sava’s Day, on January 27th. The exhibition was prepared as a part of celebrating the 150th anniversary of professor Perić’s birth. Professor Živojin Perić (1868-1953) was one of the leading Serbian authors in the area of private law, but had also written many significant works in the areas of international public law, legal theory and philosophy, constitutional law and politics; he was a corresponding member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA), doctor honoris causa of the University of Lyon Faculty of Law, a frequent guest lecturer at many leading European universities, member of many scientific societies in Serbia and abroad. The exhibition showcases many photographs and documents from his life, as well as his most important works, on 22 panels set up in the Auditorium III, which is named after professor Perić. The President of the SASA, dr Vladimir Kostić, also attended the opening and addressed the audience; the exhibition was opened by prof. dr Zoran Mirković, Dean of the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law, and Jovan Jean Ivanović, professor Perić’s great-grandson.
A gallery of photographs from the exhibition’s opening can be seen here.