Meeting with Representatives of the Law Faculties from the South Caucasus Region
On November 28, 2018, our Faculty had the honor of hosting representatives of the law faculties from the South Caucasus Region (Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia). The purpose of the study visit of the delegation comprised of Deans and Vice-Deans of the Law Faculties of the Tbilisi State University, Grigol Robakidze University, the University of Georgia, the French University in Armenia, the State University of Yerevan and the Baku State University initiated interregional exchange of experiences (South East Europe – South Caucasus) and explore potentials for interregional projects and fundraising. The delegation of law professors accompanied by South East European Law School Network staff and representatives of GIZ met with the Vice-Dean for International Cooperation Ass. Prof. Jelena Lepetić, the Vice-Dean for Finance Prof. Tatjana Jovanić and Dr Ivana Rodić, who is responsible for International Cooperation.
After a short welcome by the respresentatives of the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law Prof. Dr Thomas Giegerich from the Europa-Institut of the Saarland University, as one of SEELS’s most significant strategic partners, gave the presentation on his institutes collaboration with the SEELS Network and potentials for collaboration together with the faculties from the South Caucasus Region. In particular, Prof. Giegerich highlighted the success of the Networking Forum for Cooperation in Legal Education, which has enabled a coherent cooperation across national borders in teaching and research.
After the presentation dedicated to the activities and goals of the Europa-Institut, the workshop on cooperation potentials in general was held as well as with defining some concrete steps to be followed. The workshop was also attended by Ass. Prof. Bojana Čučković and Assistant Dr Filip Bojić, who shared their experience in participating in projects implemented within the SEELS Network. Dr. Thomas Meyer, GIZ Program Leader, has suggested that representatives of law faculties from the South Caucasus Region get observer status at SEELS Network Management Board’ meetings and thus get acquainted with SEELS’s activities in order to evaluate their interest in establishing a similar network in their region. Consultant for Fundraising and Organization Development in Higher Education Manuel Unten Kanashiro agreed with this proposal and pointed to project opportunities in the case of establishing a South Caucasus network of law faculties. An active discussion was developed afterwards.