Visiting lecture at MEI: Dr Reinhard Priebe, “The Membership Perspective of the Western Balkans and Brexit – what it means to join and to leave the EU”
Dr Reinhard Priebe held the visiting lecture at MEI on October 30, 2018, with the topic: “The Membership Perspective of the Western Balkans and Brexit – what it means to join and to leave the EU”. Head of MEI professor Dr. Dragica Vujadinovic welcomed the guest lecturer and introduced him to the audience, consisting from MEI students of generation 2018/2019 and a few other students. The host professor to Dr. Priebe and the moderator for this visiting lecture was Prof. Dr. Miroljub Labus. Dr Priebe made a very interesting analogy between entry and exit negotiations in a sense that the EU has had much stronger position than the other side in both cases, because the EU demands fulfilling rules, and also similar is a very complex negotiation not only on most general but also all particular issues. Students were interested a lot in the topic, they asked plenty of questions and insofar the rich discussion was developed concerning different referential issues.