CALL FOR ABSTRACTS for the Fifth Student Conference in Theory and Philosophy of Law on the topic International and European law – Theoretical issues
University of Belgrade Faculty of Law and Serbian Association for Legal and Social Philosophy (IVR Serbia) celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by organising the fifth Student Conference in Theory and Philosophy of Law on topic International and European Law – Theoretical Issues. The Conference will take place in December 2018 in the Conference hall of the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law.
We kindly invite all interested students of undergraduate, master and PhD studies of law and other social sciences to send their abstracts to our official email address – eudaimonia@ius.bg.ac.rs by September 1, 2018.
Abstracts should be no less than 600 and no more than 900 words in length. Students are free to choose the subtopic of their paper, writing in English or Serbian language, as long as they broadly remain within the frame topic proposed in this invitation. In addition to abstract, students should send the contact details of their mentors/supervisors (name, surname, email address).
The list of participants on the fifth Student Conference will be announced until the 8th of October at the official website of the Faculty of Law. The selected participants will have to submit the first draft of their papers (8 pages at least) no later than November 20th. The final versions should be finished and sent until February 2019. All papers will be subject to a double blind review. The best rated paper will be published in the Annual review of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade, while the other well rated papers will be considered for publication in the Eudaimonia – Student Review for Law Theory and Philosophy.
For further information on the possible subtopics, abstracts or any other details related to the Conference, you may visit the official site of the Serbian Association for Legal and Social Philosophy, our facebook page or write to the email address of the Conference. We are looking forward to your application!