Liber Amicorum Gašo Knežević / E Diversitate Unitas
On 21 December 2016 the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law had a pleasure of hosting a book launch of the collection of essays in honor of late Prof. Gašo Knežević – Liber Amicorum Gašo Knežević, a collaborative publishing effort of the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law and the Serbian Arbitration Association. The conference room of the Faculty of Law was not large enough to accommodate all of Gašo’s friends and colleagues who came to this event.
The audience was first addressed by Prof. Dragor Hiber, President of the Board of the Serbian Arbitration Association and professor at the Faculty of Law of University of Belgrade, one of the editors of this monograph. His welcome address was followed by the speech of the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Sima Avramović. The memories of the life and extensive work of late Prof. Knežević were shared with the audience by Prof. Dejan Popović from the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law, whereas the contents of the monograph, which includes 30 articles from the area of International Private Law, Civil Law, International Commercial Law, Civil Procedure Law, Arbitration Law and ADR written by authors from Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Denmark, UK and Austria (see Table of Contents), were diligently presented by Prof. Davor Babić from the University of Zagreb Faculty of Law, who contributed to this publication as one of the reviewers of the edition. Other members of the Editorial Board of the book included Prof. Tibor Varady, Prof. Dobrosav Mitrović, Prof. Vladimir Pavić, Ass. Prof. Milena Djordjević and Ass. Prof. Marko Jovanović. The secretary of the Editorial Board was Ms. Andrea Nikolić. The introductory address of the Editorial Board in the book can be found here.
The book launch was followed by an international conference E Diversitate Unitas where 17 authors of some of the articles from the book had the pleasure to present the results of their academic research. They were gathered around two panels: one on selected issues of substantive and international private law, and one on selected issues of procedural law. The first panel was chaired by Prof. Maja Stanivuković from the Faculty of Law of University of Novi Sad, whereas the second panel was chaired by Prof. Hrvoje Sikirić from the Faculty of Law of University of Zagreb. Detailed program of the Conference can be found here.
The diversity of the issues addressed at the Conference, presented by experts from Belgrade, Novi Sad, Niš, Kragujevac, Zagreb, Skoplje, Zenica and Vienna, resemble the diversity of the scientific work of late Prof. Knežević, whereas the friendly discussions at the high academic level serve as homage to collegiality and friendly spirit which Prof. Knežević nurtured throughout his professional, academic and private life.