Conference: Best Practices of International Arbitration
On 21 December 2016 the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law had a pleasure of hosting an international conference on Best Practices of International Arbitration.
The Conference program included the following topics within two panels:
Opening remarks/welcome: Milena Djordjević
I panel: Early Stages of the Proceedings
Moderator: Filip Boras
Panelists: Kenneth Beal, Alexis Foucard, Catherine Anne Kunz and Milica Ignjačević
Topics: Arbitrator Appointment, Appointment and Use of Arbitral Secretaries, Conflicts of Interest, Third Party Funding, Pre-hearing Conferences and Management
II panel: Advanced Stages of the Proceedings
Moderator: Tijana Žunić Marić
Panelists: Margarita Nikki Michael, Stepan Guzey, Nina Lauber-Thommesen, Agnieszka Zarowna and Dragan Psodorov
Topics: Early Evaluation and Role of Arbitrator in bringing About a Settlement, Document Production, Oral Hearings and direct/Cross Examination, Final Awards Including Time and Cost Issues, Enforcement
Closing remarks/conclusions: Vladimir Djerić
The Conference was organized in cooperation with the Serbian Arbitration Association and ICDR Young & International and gathered a large audience of practitioners and students both from Serbia and from the region.