Lecture of Mr. Vuk Jeremic at the Faculty
President of the Center for International Relations and Sustainable Development (CIRSD) Mr. Vuk Jeremić held a lecture at Faculty of Law University of Belgrade on the topic “Serbia and the world: experience of the Serbian nomination for the UN Secretary General” on 25 November 2016. Students had the opportunity to hear a very interesting speech and to pose questions afterwards.
Mr. Jeremić emphasized that the participation of Serbia in the race for the UN Secretary General together with a detailed plan of action which was presented in the UN has contributed to the reputation of Serbia in the world. Jeremić stated Antonio Guterres was the most experienced candidate and took a look back to the struggle with USA diplomacy. He recalled giving the observer status to Palestine without the abuse of the position of the President of the UN General Assembly during Serbia’s presidency. While answering the questions regarding Kosovo, Jeremić said the solutions should be found within the negotiation process but he highlighted that recognition of the unilaterally declared independence cannot be accepted by any democratic state.
Vuk Jeremić pointed out the world is a state of turmoil, Europe is in crisis while there is war in the Middle East, which is directly connected to the refugee crisis in Europe. He mentioned that Asia and Pacific are the most dynamic part of the world today in terms of economy and demography. Jeremić also said that after Donald Trump being elected for the president of the United States, it would be hard to predict how USA internal and external policy will look in the future. He also stated that cooperation between USA and Russian Federation in international matters would be significant to the world.
The lecture was organized by the United Nations Club of University of Belgrade Faculty of Law with the support of Student Parliament. The president of the United Nations Club of University of Belgrade Faculty of Law, Milena Nikolić was the moderator during the lecture.